And some say "Chickens are not smart"

And before any of you ask.
Q. You keep roosters in your house?
A. Yes, when needed. (It's my house).

Q. Don't they make a mess?
A. Sometimes, but I have a special perch setup for that, and they can see TV from that location too!
I'm just tired of watching "Animal Planet" re-runs!:lau
Now that is an idea....
I have two roosters. I use them as alarm clocks. They are usually right on time too.
I keep Jaffar inside, if I want to wake up at 05:15.
And if I need to wake up at 06:10, I have BLU the roo in with me.
Works everyday!:D
The chicken run is close enough to the house that the "alarm" rings at 5:15 every morning. The rooster is the most reliable alarm clock I've ever had!

The only time I've had a rooster in the house was when one was in quarantine.
I was at my friend's house and was trying to befriend her chickens with mealworms. I have them double bagged because they will sometimes jump for it and peck it. It was in my back pocket and Buff, their buff orp, took the small bag out of the big one, opened it, and ran away! They all feasted together while we fell over laughing.
We like to joke that all of her chickens are criminals
-Buff (buff orp) is guilty of assault (pecking their younger chicks that are now integrated) and thievery (stealing my mealworms)
-Roo (black australorp) (not actually a rooster) is guilty of assault and cannibalism (ate a dropped chicken wing)
-Co (one of their identical white cochins) is guilty of assault and attacking a police officer (went broody and pecked when friend tried to get eggs)
-Co (other identical white cochin) is guilty of assault and attacking a police officer (poops on my friend whenever she picks her up)
-Ellie (easter egger) is guilty of assault (no other crime, she's a very sweet chicken)
And before any of you ask.
Q. You keep roosters in your house?
A. Yes, when needed. (It's my house).

Q. Don't they make a mess?
A. Sometimes, but I have a special perch setup for that, and they can see TV from that location too!
I'm just tired of watching "Animal Planet" re-runs!:lau
Finally someone who understands.
As soon as I move out, I'm so doing that.
I keep being told I should house share with my cousin. They don't know how terrible an idea that is. She's dog-crazy and I'd fill the house with water and let some tropical fish move in.
And before any of you ask.
Q. You keep roosters in your house?
A. Yes, when needed. (It's my house).

Q. Don't they make a mess?
A. Sometimes, but I have a special perch setup for that, and they can see TV from that location too!
I'm just tired of watching "Animal Planet" re-runs!:lau
Do you need to give them diapers?
We like to joke that all of her chickens are criminals
-Buff (buff orp) is guilty of assault (pecking their younger chicks that are now integrated) and thievery (stealing my mealworms)
-Roo (black australorp) (not actually a rooster) is guilty of assault and cannibalism (ate a dropped chicken wing)
-Co (one of their identical white cochins) is guilty of assault and attacking a police officer (went broody and pecked when friend tried to get eggs)
-Co (other identical white cochin) is guilty of assault and attacking a police officer (poops on my friend whenever she picks her up)
-Ellie (easter egger) is guilty of assault (no other crime, she's a very sweet chicken)
Verdict, Guilty: Let's go ladies and Roo too!👮‍♂️

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