And this is your username because...

Then that means they're aliens too.
Initials, and I stole lvchicken from my friend who is kjchicken on a game, which I thought was creative, so I did the same. But she's not kjchicken on here
dark matter is an astrophysics term that I've used in another forum for my username. It's also an inside joke/pun. Same Avatar also. (I took that picture I use for my Avatar myself, in my own house)
Not creative at all, I just used my real first and middle name. I like my name. So I guess my mom chose my username, hahahaha..
I got a new SLW chick when I started and I was all over Wyandottes. I don't remember why I thought of the word 'Wooing'. It's silly name really lol.
When I started riding motorcycles there was not many women at all.
My riding nickname ladyrider. This is on most of my riding gear. When I was looking for a user name I wouldn't forget well there you have it.
Not very original.
I just got back from babysittting, where we watched Bugs Bunny, and so i took Tweety from that, and i know chickens/quails aren't the best fliers.......

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