Andalusian chicks?? Slate blue legs with single comb


10 Years
Sep 13, 2009
These chicks are 4 weeks old.


This chick was smoky yellow with slate legs. Originally thought it was an EE. Now that I've notice the single comb, I know it's something else. It's smoky grayish.



They are very flighty!
That's a bad angle on the pics but it does look very much like an Andy chick..we hatched a many of them here.If it is an Andy it should be a more lanky chick feathering closer to it's body than a fluffy full feathering like a rock for instance.They are built like a leghorn.If it's an Andy it's a pullet for sure and it appears to be a splash one.Andy's are more flighty the sky will fall if you touch them but they are great layers and do very well free ranging.
The other one isn't an Andy 100% no doubt about that
they never have off color's like that..your on your own on that one other than rule out Andy
#1 could be Andalusian
#2 is 100% not, it could be a game breed
I've seen mixed chicks that look just like #2 that were 1/2 American game.
These chicks are very flighty! I'll try to get other pics. I just thought I had EE chicks.
lol yeah I got 4 of them!

The first one doesn't look like the andalusian I got from them, but she might be. ETA: but she might be a blue hamburg!

As for the second one I got one similar but she is coming in grey.


Yours might be a black copper maran, I don't know I am still going through pictures trying to figure out what I have.
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Cool. We'll have to send updated pics. & compare. It's def. not a BCM as I have hatched them out from chicks & they are very different. The mystery goes on. . . .

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