Andalusian confirmation and another question.


Chook Snuggler
9 Years
Apr 3, 2015
Northwest Ohio - The Buckeye State!
First off, just making sure my blue bargain bin chick is the Andalusian I'm hoping for and almost sure of. :)



Purely out of curiousity: why does this Golden Cuckoo Marans look so....different? Her head's almost completely dark, rather than the correct lovely gold. Is it simply a quality issue?


I really don’t know sorry!
I appreciate you stopping by, though! :frow
Alex what color are the bottoms of the feet of the one you're thinking is an Andalusian? The build almost makes me think it may be something else.
They're pink. :) That's certainly a possibility, considering Meyer carries so many blue breeds. I originally thought she was a Blue Orp, but as she started maturing, her body type simply didn't seem heavy enough. She's overall quite slender and sleek. :love Here are a couple older pictures that show build better:


As you can see, her earlobes went from pink to blue-ish white. :)

Aww, she's beautiful! You're right! She definitely looks more sleek and slender in those photos.
Thank you so much! :hugs Those were taken during sweltering weather. Today was pretty chilly, and since Bluebell isn't blessed with as much "meat" as her siblings, I believe she thought warmth could be conserved by puffing up. :lol:

The blue is an Andalusian. Too streamlined for an Orpington, and her plumage is close fitting, not loose like an Orpington.

I think you are right and it is a quality issue with the Marans. It's a color pattern that is difficult to get right, and I believe these are pretty new in America, so they haven't been standardized yet so far as I know. There's also the possibility that someone cheated and crossed a golden onto a regular cuckoo. Who knows? I think she's pretty just as she is, myself.
The blue is an Andalusian. Too streamlined for an Orpington, and her plumage is close fitting, not loose like an Orpington.

I think you are right and it is a quality issue with the Marans. It's a color pattern that is difficult to get right, and I believe these are pretty new in America, so they haven't been standardized yet so far as I know. There's also the possibility that someone cheated and crossed a golden onto a regular cuckoo. Who knows? I think she's pretty just as she is, myself.
Ah, how I hoped you'd show up. :)

Agreed, she's definitely far too trim to be a heavy breed such as Orpington. Just wanted confirmation, though, since I'm new to the breed. :D

That would tend to make sense, since she almost reminds me of a standard Cuckoo, but with a twist. Lovely girl, regardless. :love Luckily I'm not in this for top-quality birds! ;)

Thank you so much!
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