Solved Android phone picture upload issues.


🥇Ukraine 🥇
5 Years
Nov 5, 2018
Tolland County Connecticut, USA
I am new to this site and would like to know if we can only add pictures from a laptop or desktop computer via Windows? I have tried with my Android phone but it does not allow me to. I have uploaded pictures to BYC from my laptop so I believe I am doing it correctly. It's kinda funny that I take pictures with my phone which I would guess everyone else does now days also. After taking the picture i need to email it to myself to upload it to my laptop just to be able to upload it to BYC. If there is anything that can be done to fix this problem or if I am doing something wrong please let me know.
I am new to this site and would like to know if we can only add pictures from a laptop or desktop computer via Windows? I have tried with my Android phone but it does not allow me to. I have uploaded pictures to BYC from my laptop so I believe I am doing it correctly. It's kinda funny that I take pictures with my phone which I would guess everyone else does now days also. After taking the picture i need to email it to myself to upload it to my laptop just to be able to upload it to BYC. If there is anything that can be done to fix this problem or if I am doing something wrong please let me know.
I am using my Galaxy S7 to write this.
To upload a picture from this phone I click (upload a file) below this area I am writing this. I will click now. 20181110_101340.jpg . It brings up recent pics. If I don't see a pic I want, I click to the right and it brings up all my pictures. GC
How old is your android phone? Which version of android is it running? Some of the older versions of the android operating system have limitations compared to the newer ones.
X2 this.
What Android version is on your phone?
Are you using the APP or browser to get on BYC from your phone?
Ok lets try this I just downloaded the BYC app, before I would just open the browser and go to BYC that way.
View attachment 1586835
Great it worked looks like you just need to download the BYC app on your phone.
Great!!! I'm glad you got it figured out.

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