Animals are NOT Humans

So... you want the thread taken down because you're not getting the response you wanted?
I always thought that was the best thing about this board. Ask a question or voice an opinion and get many different and often divergent points of view.
Who's disagreeing with who??? I thought this thread would go to heck and get locked.

What am I missing??? This is as peaceful as can be.

I don't see anyone who doesn't want to protect their animals or anyone who wants
to hunt down a predator out of vengeance. Nor do I see anyone going militant on
animal rights. We all love animals here but I think most of us would laugh at "they-who-shall-not-be-named".

(hehehe, see my edit, PC, LOL?)
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I do not agree with the “protect the predators, they are only providing for themselves” line. In the animal world if a predator ventures into another predator’s territory, a fight ensues, and the winner prevails. That’s the way it works.
This does not mean exterminate the species, and hunt it to extinction.
Just protect your territory, your property, your family.
Just my $.02.
I am not offendeed at all either. I lost 2 birds to one of our dogs but I scream and yell at them and hope they will learn. I never lost one to a predator as of yet but like someone said. If it crosses the line it will either be shot or trapped and relocated
Animals are not humans and yes that includes predators. Animals for some produce or are food themselves. Some cut your workload other animals are part of the family (pack). Yes most humans still have that animalistic pack instinct and I think its great. People got their animals because they need them for whatever reason. Those animals need us too. Humans like any other animal generally will and should protect their food and friends. Our animals do so much for us we should protect them in exchange. No predator is taking my food or friends without meeting resistance. I do not worry about birds of prey because my coop and run are like fort knox to them and I keep a watchful eye while freeranging. The first sign of a bird of prey i put them up. I have alot of racoons around and so far they have done no damage so for now I leave them alone. They ever do damage I will be looking for raccoon recipes. Humans protecting their livestock from other animals is part of survival and the natural order of things. You have to protect the humans in your pack too. Some of the larger predators can and will go after children after the livestock is gone.
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A life is a valuable thing, be it any life. My animals depend on me to keep them safe. Animals are not human, but I sure like them alot better than alot of people out there!

Like Grits, I totally agree with Seminolewind...but I should add that I would have great distress over something being killed that ate my chickens only for it's own survival....while I certainly do understand that, I hope I am never in that dilemma.​
I would first like to say KUDOS to all - this has been the most civil, understanding and respectful discussion I think I have ever seen.

I totally agree
As long as I am doing my part to contain and protect my animals and a predator penetrates those barriers - they become fair game.

My only exception would be an endangered or protected species. Then all alternative measures would have to be used by me to avoid reducing that population even further.
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I feel most of the birds we loose to predation is to the neighbors dog or cat. THAT can be controlled. And yes, I'd prefer to take it out on the stupid pet owner but unfortunately I've had to make the pets pay in order to protect my birds.

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