Animals are NOT Humans

This is just my opinion, but it's based on facts about animlas. I'm sure some will disagree, but I feel this needs to be said.

I really have a very hard time understanding why some people take it personally when they lose a bird(s) to a predator. While I can surely understand being upset and sad and wishing it didn't happen; the predator did not do it just to make a human mad. They are not capable of that type of reasoning or feeling. They are simply trying to survive and see an opportunity for a meal. They are as much a part of our local ecosystem as we are, and since we humans are the ones with reasoning abilities, it's incumbent on us to find a way to co-exsist. Most long-time livestock people accept that they will inevitably lose a few to predation. All we can do is do our best to prevent predation with how we house our livestock. After all, these are mostly domesticated birds and they rely us on for protection.

A balance of predators and prey is a sign of a healthy environment. Too many prey animals can be as harmful as too many predators. This is one of the reasons for legal deer-hunting, because they can over-breed and cause destruction.

I find most people are sensible about this, but I've seen so many that don't seem to understand that animals are not capable of human emotions and actions that it makes me feel rather concerned.

This post is not aimed at anyone in particular, by the way. Just putting it out there...

I agree with the others about getting angry with predators.
I DO understand that there needs to be a balance between prey and predators.
I'm not gonna chase down Brer Fox because the dog chased him under the neighbour's truck.
And even though I was mad enough to do it, I wouldn't have killed the Raccoon that killed Tom, my EE pullet, as she slept.
It was MY fault, not the Raccoon's that he was able to do so.

It's more of our guilt about not protecting our livestock/pets rather than being really mad at the predators.
So I agree with you also.​
I figure if Mrs. Hawk catches Elsie the hen nappin and ends up with a meal for her youngins then I just fed them the same time I threw scratch to Elsie.

Now the neighbor's dog is another matter and that would be solved with .410 logic.
The only thing I see I don't agree with is the part about animals not having feelings or emotions. Have you ever listened to a cow and calf cry as they are separated? Have you ever seen a dog mourn to death over the loss of it's mate or pup? Sorry, but they do feel, and they do have emotions and they do suffer when hurt.
Well, the neighbor's dog is a predator too.....The neighbor should take that responciblity...
One of my chickens flew over the fence and it was Maegan, my mastiffs, dinner.....
I was not happy, but I was not angry at Maegan. That is her instinct as well.

If my dog ever injures someone else's animal I would like to be notified before shots are fired......but I am a responsible owner of dogs.
Well handled everyone... opinion....having chickens doesnt give me a right to kill everything within a 10mile radius of my coop. I choice to trap and relocated if possible. If not, it is my job to protect better next time.

...that being said, I understand that people do what they feel they need to do to protect their livestocl. I respect that, as long as it is handled humanely as possible.
As much as I love living where I do, the time of year I hate the most is when the calves are taken off to market. Their mamas scream for 3 or 4 days. Of course they have feelings and emotions!

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