Announcing Me!


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
Hi, I'm Embuck.
I'm not actually new here, but I thought I'd do this introduction thing. Better late than tardy, right?
I've been working with chickens for five or six years now, and I currently have two flocks, totalling about 150-175 chickens. Most of them are Black Australorps and Ameraucanas, but there are about half a dozen Speckled Sussex as well, and one mutt rooster.
I found Backyard Chickens when I needed help with some problem. It was a while back, so I don't remember the specific problem - probably hawk control. I found BYC really helpful, and decided to join.
I really like writing, hiking, and climbing trees. I like embroidering eggs, even if it takes a long time. I also enjoy papier mache crafting, even if I'm not very good at it. Work in progress, and all that, right? I also love music and singing.
A side note, I enjoy ham acting, which might explain the title of this thread. Sorry. You have been warned.
So, a big hello to any BYCers who fall into my cunning trap. :D :frow
And, by the way, did somebody order a large ham? (Actually, more of a medium sized ham.)

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