ANNOUNCING!!! newest member of the first egg club!!!


12 Years
Apr 23, 2007
I always laughed when someone would post the infamous words.." first egg, now what do I do?" Now I know the feeling!!! It is both exciting and scary at the same time!
I am just amazed that I have finally gotten this far!
It has been an uphill and often frustrating battle but here I is!Finally!!!! One of my 6 Dominique hens (18 weeks old now) laid a slightly less than perfectly colored egg today! sorta the color of a cup of coffee that one had just poured fresh cream into... even has a few light splotches on it as though the cup of coffee had not yet been stirred. And it is perfectly egg shaped and just the cutest little pullet eggie! I knew they would be small to start but gora!
No way yet of knowing which of the society girls was the guilty girl. They were all standing around looking at it as though an alien had landed in their midst
I think if they could've hidden under anything they would have!
There is a slight chance it might even be fertile but I kinda have my doubts after watching some of Silver's (my Dom roo, same age) fumbling attempts at mating

All I do know is that it feels good to FINALLY have joined THE CLUB!
ETF(ix my poor HTML skills)
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I fed my first one to the dog, lol. It had a chalky looking shell and I wasn't about to chance it! Nowadays, INTO the frying pan! (Except yesterday a blue marans in with a splash roo laid her first egg, a little small but well formed, and THAT baby went into the incubator batch!)
Now a member of the two egg club! Had another one this morning!
Early Christmas present indeed!


(yuppers! that's a quarter in the photo for size comparison.)
Guess I have arrived! Here it is a week later and I can report a total of 6 pullet eggs! Definately two girls laying although I haven't pinpointed which ones yet but they are the 19 week Dominickers.
Mr. silver besides being a huge handsome feller is still figuring out the mating game so I have doubts they are fertile by any stretch of the imagination ( he tries to jump my hand when I reach in to get eggs or their feeder.) From Saturday to Saturday 6 eggies! Pretty good for beginners I think
Will try to grab a pic of them tonight when I get home from work.
One of the girls is laying very splotchy colored eggs the other is very even smooth Cafe Au Lait color.
hmmm finally have enough for a 3 egg omelet!
Shhh don't let the girls hear me laughing or they'll go on strike for sure!!!

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