Another barred rock in question! :)


6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
Wicksburg, AL
I have to be the most confused chicken owner out there. I need help. Again! Part of my confusion is because my hen is lighter in color yet her waddles aren't big or red. And she has a lot of dark wash on her legs. The most out of all 3 of my BRs. But I read the roos are supposed to be darker. Anyway.. here are a couple pics.

See the dark feet?

BR in question is on the far left. Same chicken as in first pic

I never thought it'd be so tough to tell a girl from a boy! Driving me cuckoo! Lol
I haven't read any of your posts before hand, but I have a mixed Barred Rock. Her feet were black. All I can say is be patient, you'll find out sooner or laying, by who is laying the eggs? Here's a pic of mine. She is 1 yr old now. Wattles turn beet red when theyre ready to lay :)

Dang! Yeah got these (my sweet mom did actually) from a lady locally. They were the last 3 she had. Now I guess I know why! Doh! I won't be getting any more BRs unless I can pick them out as day-olds!

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