Another dying chick crisis: please help


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Washington County, NY
Hello again. I'm back with the lamp, a towel, and a dying (?) chick. Five days after I found one out of the nest, abandoned by the mother hen, and nursed it around the clock until it died, I've found another one. This one looks as if it has been injured and I suspect the mother hen has attacked it (her beak has suspicious material on it). Does that happen? I'm attaching two photos. I'm sorry that they aren't very good; I'm holding the camera with one hand and the chick with the other. I'm concerned about it's abdomen, which is in the second photo, the one with my fingers.

The chick seems barely conscious if at all. It doesn't move, except occasionally to flail a bit in response to stimuli (door slamming, being moved).

Is there any hope? Is there anything I can do for it, other than keep it warm?

I would appreciate any help on any aspect of this problem!! These are my first chicks (had the hens a couple of years).


Here are the photos.
All you can do is keep it warm. I have a feeling momma hen felt something was wrong with the chick, or the chick hatched with an unabsorbed yolk, and it broke. Judging by the size of the bottom, the yolk that would have nourished the chick is lost somewhere and probably leaked out. You can try to keep it warm to see if it can survive, but if it really doesn't have a yolk, it is very unlikely to make it. Best of luck.
Is this a first time broody hen? I had one that I think got so anxious for her chicks to hatch that she pecked them out of the shell too early. Apparently I should have given her the "step away from the bater" speech. They also do know if the chick is not normal,too. Good luck with your chicks.
Just keep it warm is really all you can do. If it seems to get some strength then MAYBE try sugar water but don't force it by tilting the head back. Just dribble some on the side of it's beak.
Does it appear to have any broken skin from an injury or maybe the yolk sac is what's all over it?
How's it doing?
This is the hen's first brood. I've read that sometimes they don't recognize the chicks and attack them as intruders. Does this happen? I'm keeping a close watch on the remaining two eggs but the others hatched days apart. Any ideas why?
I'm sure the chick is in shock (no, real shock...not like you or I are shocked by this)

Warm bed, electrolytes in water, dribble it along side it's beak and see if it will open it's mouth and drink some. Poly-Vi-Sol drops, 1 drop 3 times a day for several days, then once a day for another 7 days. Perhaps give it some egg yolk...full of protein and nutrients.

Is that an open wound on it's stomach? If so, that will need to have some neosporin put on it and bandaged.

Good luck with it and keep us posted...truthfully, it doesn't look real promising does it?
Sorry for your little guy, does not look good for him. Is it possible the eggs are being smashed, by other broodies fighting over the nest perhaps? Is possible the chicks arent hatching at all but the eggs are being crushed around them. If so the chickens will eat the crushed shell, and peck and eat the unabsorbed yolk, appearing as if the chick has hatched. I am thinking also that the eggs in the nest are at different incubation times. How many more eggs does the hen have?

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