Another new addition to the farm - and it was hubby's choice!

She is a cutie!

I have a Hackney Pony my shoer gave to me after he had a crash driving him.
Pony was pretty much left to his own devices for 2 years and was a Wild Thing when I got him.
I've had him 2 years this coming May and we are ground-driving now so hopefully I will be able to hitch him again some day.
Like you, I have many years of horse experience, but am a total Newb to driving - having taken a half dozen lessons with a deadbroke pony some time ago.

You can use a surcingle and longlines to ground-drive your pony. That will get her used to you leading from behind her without the expense of a full harness.
A blinkered bridle is a good idea too. I ground-drove my pony in an open bridle at first, but the blinders really help him listen to me & not look at everything around him. They also helped install the Whoa, which is THE most important command a driving pony needs to know.

A driving instructor I talked to suggested using those foam "pool noodles" when you first want to try shafts - that way noone gets hurt if pony is freaked by having the shafts at her sides.
Once she's comfortable with the idea of shafts you can add a drag - something like a tire attached to the shafts to add weight so she'll get used to the idea of pulling. Adding a breastcollar will help her at this point.

Keep posting here about your progress with Bubbles.
It is still Winter here, so too cold for me to do much with my horses & I can live vicariously through you : D.

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