Another newbie from Utah


10 Years
Jul 12, 2009
I've been learning alot but there are so many varaibles, I bought 6 dark silkies and 6 others they were all straight run and the majority seem to be male. If you have the time take a look at my page and let me know what you think I've gotten.
I spent way to much time on the coop and am still makeing changes and finishing things but when the weather changes it will have to do. Right now it's flow through ventilation but in the fall I can seal one end and mount a heat lamp and put food and water upstairs.
I've already learned from alot from the people here and hope to square the deal some how.
But as the newbie a question. "When you have a dominate male or two In your flock do the other males mature slower?
smile awhile it will make you feel good all over
from North Carolina!

I looked at your chickens, "honey" looks a little like a roo from a distance. Can you post a picture of her head? The others look like hens (to me).
:cool:Smile awhile
Thank you all.

I've added pictures of Honey, but her hatch double as chicke was MR (she I hope) and the difference between the two had me thinking she was a she. I hope a better look for you may set me at easy.

The Utah link was the final straw that promted me to sign up, I've made my coop as air tight as I can to prevent drafts but I've been conserned recently about the ramp of terror sealing properly over the winter but I beleive I know what I need to do to complete the seal I designed into it.

See ya all on the flip side
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