Another newbie question!


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 23, 2007
Midland, Michigan
Hi again all! Boy am I glad I joined this group, so much info and support.

So my question for today, Some of my 4/5 day old chickies are getting bare butts. The area around their vents has longs its flufff. I do not know if it was picked out by the bird, maybe another bird. Maybe it came out for some other reason? I don't know I just don't think it looks very comfortable. Also, there seems to be a small darkish spot below the vent on the skin on a few chicks. Are these things normal? Should I be concerned? And most importantly, WHy do these things happen/appear? Thanks again for the help, I appreciate it

You may have had residue from dropping or the yolk sac on their butts and the other chicks where picking at it.

The small darkish spot you see is likely the point where the yolk sac dried. Chicken belly button.

I have had lots of bare butt chicks along the way. I wouldn't be overly concerned as long as they are active, eating and drinking.

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