Another one!!!


8 Years
Jun 5, 2011
My dad called from work today and told me that theres a lady at his work that doesn't want a chicken. She said the other chickens pick on her because she has a few scabs or something and doesn't have the time to help it out..I'm assuming she's not in the best condition. So! He said I could take it in! I'm really excited because I have always wanted to do something like this! I'm not sure if we're keeping it or not... I think we are! #excited
Congratulations to you!
Alright!! She's here! We are keeping her and her name is Dorothy! :) She's pretty beat too..Poor thing! Sorry to keep you waiting but pics will be a little later! Having camera difficulties! :)
Looks painful. I'm no expert on breeds but I did have a hen that was the roosters favorite and he not only broke off and damaged her feathers, his nails left a hole in her side under her wing. I didn't see it at first and by the time I did see it, it had a thick scab over it and she was hot to the touch meaning she had a fever. I gave her aspirin in her water for the fever and the pain. I learned as a nurse that wounds can be very ugly under the scab. I pulled on the edge of the scab where it was coming loose. The scab came off and out came the whole pocket of infection with it. Her side drained for a couple days but then she was fine. It took her about a month to get her feathers back in. The pics you sent show her feathers are already coming back in. If she will be around other hens, her wounds will need to be taken care of. Chickens will peck at anything red or even just different looking. The best thing I have found is Blue Cote in the spray can. It is a disinfectant and it covers the redness with blue. It has healing properties also. It is just a good all around medicine to have around.
i was just reading on this site that you can give it cat food for extra protein to promote feather growth
She has a scab or two, but I don't think she'd let me do that..I didn't want to over stress her so I didn't clean her up too much yesterday. Today I'll give her a bath and look closer at the two scabs. By the way!! I want to be a nurse!!!

Looks painful. I'm no expert on breeds but I did have a hen that was the roosters favorite and he not only broke off and damaged her feathers, his nails left a hole in her side under her wing. I didn't see it at first and by the time I did see it, it had a thick scab over it and she was hot to the touch meaning she had a fever. I gave her aspirin in her water for the fever and the pain. I learned as a nurse that wounds can be very ugly under the scab. I pulled on the edge of the scab where it was coming loose. The scab came off and out came the whole pocket of infection with it. Her side drained for a couple days but then she was fine. It took her about a month to get her feathers back in. The pics you sent show her feathers are already coming back in. If she will be around other hens, her wounds will need to be taken care of. Chickens will peck at anything red or even just different looking. The best thing I have found is Blue Cote in the spray can. It is a disinfectant and it covers the redness with blue. It has healing properties also. It is just a good all around medicine to have around.

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