Another Predator Question


7 Years
Dec 30, 2012
South Central Virginia
Greetings all!
About two weeks ago I found the remains of a chicken hen and a mallard hen. The chicken left behind its stomach and entrails along with lots of feathers. I found these remains on the ground close to where I believe she was caught next to the coop.
I found the stomach and entrails of the mallard on the well casing (it is about 2.5 feet in height) along with a few feathers on the ground around the casing. Shortly afterward, I found a pile of the duck's feathers by the coop which is about 100 yards from the well casing.
Since then, I have been keeping all of my many birds enclosed as much as possible until I arrive at a deterrent.
This morning when I walked out my door, I spotted something on the canvas top of my lifted Jeep. It was a large stomach along with some entrails and some pieces of fur. It was probably what was left of one of the local rabbits.
I have no end of predators (varied and numerous) out in the woods in which I live. This one does seem to be nocturnal. Since it is leaving the stomach and entrails, I assume it is the same predator.
Has anyone ever observed these predator signs? Any clue as to what that predator might be?
Thanks in advance for any information you all may offer.
Take care!
Not likely a lion as it would have caved in my Jeep's top. There is some debate as to whether or not they are around here in the wild.
We have lots of bobcats, but they grab and run as a rule.
When I arrived home this afternoon, I saw a turkey vulture fly up from behind my home. Back there I found the head and forelegs of a possum. Everything behind the forelegs was missing.
I am assuming that the internal organs on my Jeep belonged to this possum.
While I have seen these organs left behind long ago, I never knew for sure what had made the kills.
Thanks for any help.
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I've never had a raccoon or fox leave anything behind. They do just grab and run, as with bobcats.I have never had trouble with Vultures, but I have heard they will take their prey, find a close by place to perch and eat it's fill. They will leave stuff behind. I am sure an owl would do the same thing.
I am quite sure that all 3 of these particular kills were done during the night. That would eliminate any vultures. The vulture was most likely just after the possum remains on the ground.
Now an owl is a possibility. I have quite a few large great horned and barred owls around here.
Still watching and waiting for more signs.

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