Another question about chicken sex


12 Years
May 6, 2007
Dayton, TX
LOL No not that kind of sex.
I do believe all my leghorns are roosters. They do the cockfighting and posturing. I have a RIR that doesn't look like the others. It doesn't have a tail and the other 3 do. Could I have accidently been given a hen? This is my favorite RIR so it stays no matter what sex but I would love for it to be a hen.
How old are these? You will be able to tell the leghorn roos by 6 weeks because they will start having combs turning red. RIR's are harder. They take up to 12 weeks to decipher. Tail feathers don't necessilarly mean they are hens or roos, but my general trend is tail feathers = girls.
Well......I think that they are 4 or 5 weeks old now. I bought them the day before Easter. I definately know the Leghorns are roosters. LOL.
I have both RIR's and Leghorns that are close to the age of yours. The Leghorns comb develops faster than the RIR's. By 5-6 weeks though, the RIR's comb will start to look 'fatter' than it previously had. It will also start turning pink. At that point, it starts growing FAST and you'll have no question whether it's a roo or not. If you are not totally sure at this point, give it a few days to a week, and you will be! I just heard one of my Leghorns make a feeble attempt at crowing this morning. Funniest thing you ever heard...sounds like squealing brakes! (My guys are 6 weeks old)
So funny,
I told everyone I was NOT going to have a rooster... now my favorite most friendly RIR had a name change to Henry, they are about 7 weeks now. He is the first one to crawl in my lap when I sit down in the yard. Oh well, I guess I eat crow because we don't eat chicken
My hubby built them a shelf in their coop and they love to fly on it and tease the dogs. I gave them worms last night. Really funny.
haha! mine go crazzzzyyy for worms. its hilarious to watch them chase each other for it.

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