Another question about niacin deficiency

So my little duck I think has this deficiency but I had another post where I was told to buy liquid b complex which I am going to do tomorrow morning but I was wondering if one of the symptoms would include at the joint on one leg is hot to the touch and stiff but the other one is fine. I moved the hurt leg just wondering if this would be the reason for the hot leg and no she isn’t too hot

If her leg was malpositioned during hatch time is definitely a possibility that it would be inflamed due to it being out of place for so long, Is it still hot? Where on the leg?
Can you can extend the leg out like the other one?feel the back of her leg and the one not affected and see if you feel any difference in the two. If the tendon has slipped out of place you maybe able to gently slip it back in. At least give it a try and hopefully you can feel if the leg isn’t too swollen. I’d also call the vet and ask for some pain relief Meloxicam it also help with inflammation. Poor thing has to be in pain.
Can you can extend the leg out like the other one?feel the back of her leg and the one not affected and see if you feel any difference in the two. If the tendon has slipped out of place you maybe able to gently slip it back in. At least give it a try and hopefully you can feel if the leg isn’t too swollen. I’d also call the vet and ask for some pain relief Meloxicam it also help with inflammation. Poor thing has to be in pain.

Hey the tractor supply only has this one bottle and it’s one ml per 100 lb I don’t know what to do or how much to give from this one I can move the leg yes but she chirping a lot when I do


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These are pictures of her in the water today the first is the good foot the other is the bad one. She used it a little then just stopped and floated around.

How long can it take for this to heal if anyone knows just curious to see when it would at least get some better?


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Such a precious little one ❤ you started the b complex today? If it’s truly a niacin deficiency I’d say mid week or it could be sooner. Did you gently feel behind each knee for any difference between the 2?it could be an injury we can’t examine but either way the liquid b complex is supportive of muscle development in ducklings so it’s great to have her on it. I’d def let her be in warm water daily make it deep enough she can stand but also paddle around. Just don’t leave her alone at this age they can get water logged fast.
Such a precious little one ❤ you started the b complex today? If it’s truly a niacin deficiency I’d say mid week or it could be sooner. Did you gently feel behind each knee for any difference between the 2?it could be an injury we can’t examine but either way the liquid b complex is supportive of muscle development in ducklings so it’s great to have her on it. I’d def let her be in warm water daily make it deep enough she can stand but also paddle around. Just don’t leave her alone at this age they can get water logged fast.

Yes it was warm water I watched her since her leg is bad. Also yes I started the b complex today,
I touched and moved the leg it’s more stiff to where it can bend but not extend. The leg is bigger at the joint closer to her side her foot and ankle seem fine it’s just that one joint it’s slightly red and swollen some but definitely can not extend straight out.
Any advise so far as to what you think? Do you think it’s something else?
This deficiency people talk about actually isn't scientifically prooved. I can honestly say I have never in 4 years used niacin or vitamins on my Ducks or Ducklings. I have raised hundreds in 4 years.
Sadly they can develop issues depending on what they are bred for. Ducklings can suffer shipping injuries or fail to thrive.

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