Another round of What kind of chickens do I have?

So, do RI Whites have rose combs? If that part of the standard? (I'd look for the SOP online myself, but I think it's copyrighted by the APA and not available.)
Yes, Rhode Island Whites should have rose combs. Not all do, but it is called for in the Standard.
So, do RI Whites have rose combs? If that part of the standard? (I'd look for the SOP online myself, but I think it's copyrighted by the APA and not available.)
Yes, they have Rose Combs unless they were crossed with a single comb breed.
If they came from a farm store sale of hatchery chicks they will probably grow up to look like nothing in the APA Standard. They will look like what you see in the hatchery catalog and I guess chicks don't get to name themselves.

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