Any advice for candling darker shelled eggs? Green and brown eggs?


Mother Goose
15 Years
Mar 30, 2009
Central WI
I have a few Ameraucanas and some darker shelled brown eggs that I an incubating (not Marans). Any suggestins on how to see if they are viable or not? Saturday the 18th will be day 7, so I am hoping I will be able to tell who is good and who is not at that point. I don't want to leave them in and run the risk of having eggs explode in the 'bator, but I also want to give them a chance if they are fertile. My avitar pic is what I have cooking right now.

Thanks much!

Had the same problem with my Barred Rock eggs. The solution is two-fold. First, be sure to use a pen light specifically for candleing eggs as brightness is critical. I'm using a G.O.F. Mfg Co, Savannah, GA 31402 around $10 bucks. Secondly, do it in the dark!! Following this method, even my darkest eggs were visible around day 8. Be sure to gently move the egg around over light until you see the tell-tale signs of fertility. It sure is fun!! and good luck!!
I used my mini mag light last night in a completely darkened room; the green/blue eggs had the appearance of a dim moon. I was also wondering how to photograph the developing embryos when I am candling the eggs (I have many people online watching this amazing progress).

i havent incubated that many eggs and i dont pay atention to that candleing to much but bev davis said just look to day 7 for the air pocket
because the geggs were so round i couldent tell what end up . ive never had a egg explode so i just incubate all i put in . even the dud eggs never smelled bad. i like the broody hen thing because the waiting and worry is a killer and a pain . i got a batch of darkies due any hour now
(wheaten marans)
candleing dark dark eggs is like doing drywall
I have black copper marans eggs and they are tougher than the lighter shells for sure. I use a very cheap led flashlight about 3 to 4 inches long, very bright and cool too. I then make a tube out of black construction paper (half a piece rolled up to the diameter of the light on one end and about the size of a nickle on the other end. I slip the flashlight into the tube halfway put masking tape around the tube so it is firmly in place.

I turn all the lights out and do it at night. Sometimes you have to wrap your finger around the contact with the egg and cone to block out the light.

I don't see a lot of detail but In can easily pull out yolkers and see aircells.

Price tag $2 to $5 and no cord.

I have made similar paper cones for my old kodak carosel slide projector. But I like the little flashlight better.

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