Any artists out there?

Yes, of course he is.
hahahaahhah that's awesome

Well, here she is!
Cam the Pirate!View attachment 2711027
She do be missing her plants though. She puts window boxes all along the ship rail. Imagine getting raided by a pirate ship bedecked with flowers.
Cam looks slightly older here. She must be wearing makeup?
OoooooOOoOo! LOVE IT!
Kinda spoofy but I thought “what if he had a regular-sized ostrich feather in his hat?” Oh yeah, Take may be the one reckless enough to lose an eye but Kyle is the one reckless enough to lose a limb.
High quality materials don’t cost so much when you’re smol
But have you ever considered:
Okay, even that outfit really doesn’t look as good.
I like your original design XD
He takes fitted clothing to a whole new level.
I wonder, are their tailors for the Little People like Kyle?
There has to be, he can’t be the only little person.
I watched this Studio Ghibli movie that reminded me of Kyle. It’s so darn cute.

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