Any artists out there?

some little wolf doodles
Been messing around with watercolors a bit more… any tips? I hate doing backgrounds but leaving it white seemed too basic.
I love taping around the background for a nice clean edge. Use artists tape and if it sticks too much use a hairdryer to warm it up a bit and it'll peel off nice and clean. Also, if you don't like doing backgrounds, you can do a small piece of background in whatever shape you want behind the subject like this:
I love taping around the background for a nice clean edge. Use artists tape and if it sticks too much use a hairdryer to warm it up a bit and it'll peel off nice and clean. Also, if you don't like doing backgrounds, you can do a small piece of background in whatever shape you want behind the subject like this:
I wasn’t sure I was going to do a background, but I usually do use tape. I’m a little traumatized because I had the edges taped for an acrylic still life I was doing, and when I went in for the peel, it stripped my paper and tore it in spots :((((( I’ll show you the painting:

I never got around to finishing this… it just stopped being interesting. Acrylics are hard :(

I did a watercolor sketch yesterday on two different kinds of paper, mixed media and once I decided I hated that, redid it on watercolor. Sometimes I take for granted how important paper is 💀

Mixed media

Watercolor paper

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