Any artists out there?

I feel the same way, I used to draw people, but I have slowed down, eyes are my problem, especially from a front view...
See I can draw the individual parts of a face just fine. Even the individual parts of a body. It’s putting it all together and making the proportions look right that messes me up. I took a figure drawing class once and it got to my head. So many rules.
I’m sure if I practiced drawing people more I’d get better but I just get so down about how they come out I give up.
See I can draw the individual parts of a face just fine. Even the individual parts of a body. It’s putting it all together and making the proportions look right that messes me up. I took a figure drawing class once and it got to my head. So many rules.
I’m sure if I practiced drawing people more I’d get better but I just get so down about how they come out I give up.
I feel you, I didn't like how one person sketch turned out, and i had a hiatus, but i have drawn some and they turned out great, but i try now and i cant finish...
See I can draw the individual parts of a face just fine. Even the individual parts of a body. It’s putting it all together and making the proportions look right that messes me up. I took a figure drawing class once and it got to my head. So many rules.
I’m sure if I practiced drawing people more I’d get better but I just get so down about how they come out I give up.
Me too on that last part, welcome to my world.
Me too on that last part, welcome to my world.
So glad I’m not alone on that. My tattoo artist says I should show off my work on the internet more but I can’t handle the criticism. I design my own tattoos and she says I should show my work to more people. I was nervous about posting on here but am glad I did. Not everyone on the internet is as nice as you guys are though.
So glad I’m not alone on that. My tattoo artist says I should show off my work on the internet more but I can’t handle the criticism. I design my own tattoos and she says I should show my work to more people. I was nervous about posting on here but am glad I did. Not everyone on the internet is as nice as you guys are though.
Dont worry, you won't find too much criticism here, we are all learning artists with our own struggle points, my twin sister can draw people, and I can draw animals, we may be better at different things, but we just have to practice!
Screenshot 2020-12-13 at 9.10.33 PM.png

One of my old sketches from march of this year, I try to do things now, and I
So glad I’m not alone on that. My tattoo artist says I should show off my work on the internet more but I can’t handle the criticism. I design my own tattoos and she says I should show my work to more people. I was nervous about posting on here but am glad I did. Not everyone on the internet is as nice as you guys are though.
:hugs I'm sure yours are amazing, and we can share our art between us and CrazyCochin.`

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