Any artists out there?

:hugs I'm sure yours are amazing, and we can share our art between us and CrazyCochin.`
I’ll try to take more pictures of some of the stuff I’ve been working on. I’ve slowed down a lot on my art because of my chickens. It’s hard to find time to just sit and draw. But I baby sit the flock when I let them free range and now I’m thinking I could use that time to draw.
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One of my old sketches from march of this year, I try to do things now, and I
I like this. I have so much trouble drawing in an anime or cartoon style. I subscribed to Skillshare and took a class on there on how to draw eyes in a comic book style. Something I’ve never done before but thought I might try. But the eyes were as far as I got.
Here's a little sketch I did earlier today (trying digital, so don't critisize) on Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop.

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