Any artists out there?

I’ll try to take more pictures of some of the stuff I’ve been working on. I’ve slowed down a lot on my art because of my chickens. It’s hard to find time to just sit and draw. But I baby sit the flock when I let them free range and now I’m thinking I could use that time to draw.

I like this. I have so much trouble drawing in an anime or cartoon style. I subscribed to Skillshare and took a class on there on how to draw eyes in a comic book style. Something I’ve never done before but thought I might try. But the eyes were as far as I got.
That sounds fun, I need to spend more time with my flock!
But it's hard to do when you have...40-50+.
That sounds fun, I need to spend more time with my flock!
But it's hard to do when you have...40-50+.
I only have 15. Right now. I don’t have a big enough yard for more than 30. And I think that might be pushing it. I live in a small rural village but it’s a farming community so no one minds the chickens. But I remembered I did this drawing for a game related sins tattoo for someone. Can you guess what sin he is? :lau
Here's a little sketch I did earlier today (trying digital, so don't critisize) on Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop.View attachment 2450028
it’s cute tho
Here is the preview for my Christmas special! Featuring my Loftwings, if anyone knows what they are... Once again dont mind the color blob in the corner, it was there incase i needed to reuse the color.View attachment 2450038
Wow! They’re adorable!
I was going to guess either you or your sister. I drew me once. I didn’t think it looked a lot like me, but my friend guessed it while simply flipping through a sketchbook, so maybe I’ll post it.
I only have 15. Right now. I don’t have a big enough yard for more than 30. And I think that might be pushing it. I live in a small rural village but it’s a farming community so no one minds the chickens. But I remembered I did this drawing for a game related sins tattoo for someone. Can you guess what sin he is? :lau View attachment 2450164
It’s very colorful.
View attachment 2450165
I should have screen shotted this on my tablet and then sent it to myself. The photo would have looked much better.
Yeah I usually send to myself from my kindle. It’s really good.
These are about a year old but they’re to this day my best work.
The dog eye is drawn with markers and the wolf face is #2 pencil.View attachment 2450166View attachment 2450167
Wow, I love it!

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