Any artists out there?


Am looking for chickens with head feathering to draw. I made a thread about that
Trailer for Tales of the Jedi just dropped and I’ve got a glimmer of hope for Star Wars for the first time in a long time…Y’all remember when I posted this girl every other day. Good times

Also, this guy! A human design based off the new TMNT Leonardo. From what I gather he is VERY different from the old Leo’s but that doesn’t make him any less cool to me haha

For the record, my stylus is still dead so I did these on desktop like I used to instead of my laptop. :he New batteries should come tomorrow
Don't worry about if it's nice or not. If you're proud of it, share it.

Now, one thing I will warn you about now. Artists in general are SNOBS. Not so much here on BYC, we all try really hard to support one another because we are all at different places in our art experience. But you need to be fully prepared to ignore the haters if you post other places, because the internet is full of people who think they're Monet and that they can do it better than you. Create for yourself and be happy with what you do. If other people like it too, that's bonus. Art takes some tough skin. Just be prepared.
Great reply!! I couldnt agree more with you.
All art is beautiful.
No matter the skill level or subject matter.
Creative people love people who desire to create.
I also agree on the "snob" statement.
I have no formal training or education, I have a natural ability and craving to create. Anything and everything i see around me.. i want to create with it, create it into something else, use it for inspiration, hoard it away for a later creation.... LOL
Some people i know personally, have some education and training, use their brushes in the correct way they were designed and know what the name of each brush is called.. and use "terminology" to make people on a different level, maybe starting out, feel inadequate... makes me so mad for an artist on a higher level not support and encourage anyone who has a desire and the courage to put their art out there...
They forget where they come from, what they started with.
Its so refreshing to see what comes from other peoples creativity.. I have been inspired by many "new attempts" by others art.
Try it.
If you like/love it, even if you hate it... Put it out there.
Someone will love it.
Some wont.
The beauty of art... nobody gets the same impression, and thats okay... its ART.
x3 on all of that. This will be a safe place for all skill levels and we love to see beginner artists here! It's how we all started out, isn't it? Hell look at my original post to the thread. Every time I get a new notification of someone finding the thread for the first time and liking the post, I have to admit I die a little inside because that art is so OLD now and I can see the improvements I've made in the 2 years since then. Something I need to understand is that growth is natural, if I think my art is good now then it was good then because those were the drawings I was most proud of. Talent is relative!
Even if you feel like you'll never improve, please know that the point of art isn't the technical skill but the message, and how it makes others feel---or maybe even just how YOU feel. A lot of stuff I don't put out there due to fear or shame but I will never stop drawing because it brings me so much joy and a desire to be better! Thats how I got more skilled and experienced, because I wanted to so badly.
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Don't worry about if it's nice or not. If you're proud of it, share it.

Now, one thing I will warn you about now. Artists in general are SNOBS. Not so much here on BYC, we all try really hard to support one another because we are all at different places in our art experience. But you need to be fully prepared to ignore the haters if you post other places, because the internet is full of people who think they're Monet and that they can do it better than you. Create for yourself and be happy with what you do. If other people like it too, that's bonus. Art takes some tough skin. Just be prepared.
When I was thirteen I thought I could criticize everyone else, even though I was terrible. I was cringe. I am sorry about that, but remember those people might also be cringe 13 year olds also.
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x3 on all of that. This will be a safe place for all skill levels and we love to see beginner artists here! It's how we all started out, isn't it? Hell look at my original post to the thread. Every time I get a new notification of someone finding the thread for the first time and liking the post, I have to admit I die a little inside because that art is so OLD now and I can see the improvements I've made in the 2 years since then. Something I need to understand is that growth is natural, if I think my art is good now then it was good then because those were the drawings I was most proud of. Talent is relative!
Even if you feel like you'll never improve, please know that the point of art isn't the technical skill but the message, and how it makes others feel---or maybe even just how YOU feel. A lot of stuff I don't put out there due to fear or shame but I will never stop drawing because it brings me so much joy and a desire to be better! Thats how I got more skilled and experienced, because I wanted to so badly.
If I could like this twice I would!
When I was thirteen I thought I could criticize everyone else, even though I was terrible. I was cringe. I am sorry about that, but remember those people might also be cringe 13 year olds also.
Thanks for owning up to that, good for you! I feel like kids today are obsessed with the concept of ‘cringe.’ Being super self conscious of their interests/hobbies or personality or skill/talents or whatever. And other kids are so afraid of being ‘cringe’ that they mock and criticize people who they feel are weird or different or lacking talent. As a neurodivergent person I feel like I fall into both categories sometimes as do a lot of other people with insecurities about themselves. So to combat that I say we embrace the ‘cringe’ and stop judging other people for harmless things! Then maybe we’ll all be better at putting ourselves out there and being more confident in ourselves.
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Thanks for owning up to that, good for you! I feel like kids today are obsessed with the concept of ‘cringe.’ Being super self conscious of their interests/hobbies or personality or skill/talents or whatever. I struggle with this immensely as a neurodivergent person. And other kids are so afraid of being ‘cringe’ that they mock and criticize people who they feel are weird or different or lacking talent. I say we embrace the ‘cringe’ and stop judging other people for harmless things! Then maybe we’ll all be better at putting ourselves out there and being more confident in ourselves.
Agree. Embrace your weird. It's what will keep you sane in the long run.

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