Any batches this week? (question)


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
Just wondering if anyone else was going to be setting some eggs this week.
Friday we are going to be receiving 30 hatching eggs from Mcmurray. We ordered the top hat assortment. So depending on when we receive them they will be in the bator sometime Friday or maybe Saturday morning. We ordered these back in January so we're pretty excited that we are finally going to get them. Then either Tuesday or Wednesday morning we are bringing 35 or so eggs to the highschool ag class. They asked us a while ago to do this, but didnt specify when, then they called last week and asked if we could bring them in this week. So the way it worked out well have around 55-60 chicks hatching the same week. The ones the ag class are doing 12 of them are from the swap meet that I went to. The lady said that they are a mixture of Silkie, araucana bantams i believe, and frizzles. So Im not exacly sure whats all in that 12. Then the other ones are from my own chickens, I have barred rocks, hardy concords, and rhode island reds maily, with some other breeds thrown in there.The current rooster that is with them is an Araucana. So they will be mixes.
Thats what we ordered for eggs from McMurray Hatchery.
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I have 2 doz. rose comb rhode island reds coming plus 18 buff orps. Both should be here by WEd. and will go in the bator Thrus. night. Good luck with your top hat assortment.
I just put 38 in the bator Friday - April 4. 6 RIR's, 12 blue/black/splash silkies, and 20 blue/black/splash orpingtons. Can't wait until Friday to candle them.
I will be setting some blue/splash silkes this week! Ohh so excited. Just waiting for there arrival.
Just put 15 Blue laced red wyandotte eggs in the 'bator today. Plus 2 wheaton marans. Please don't let them all be roos!!!
On last Monday the 31st I stared 58 eggs of my own flock,
Thursday I receive 8 brabanter and 8 appenzellar spitzenhauben so I started them on Friday!
And just yesterday my ring neck pheasants started laying
so maybe by the end of this week I will have a batch of them going as well!!
Wow, looks like a lot of chicks are going to be hatching around the same time . For those of you that are getting eggs in the mail where are you ordering them from?

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