Any chicken breeders/reputable hatcheries in Upstate, NY so I can pick up?


5 Years
Aug 12, 2014
I have my first flock of 5-week old chicks from McMurray and Chicken Scratch Poultry, but already am looking forward to the spring when I would like to get some new day-old chicks.
Is there anywhere within an hour's radius of Albany, NY that is a reputable place to get good chicks? I'm not sure how to search for that. Would love to pick-up rather than have shipped if possible (had a HORRIBLE experience with Chicken Scratch Poultry and "one-day shipping" turned into 5 days). We are focusing on good laying hens that are tolerant of Upstate winters!

Sarah Engel
Do you know what breeds you are looking for? You could ask on the various breed threads to see if anyone is nearby, or on the NY thread. There is also a large poultry show over the Columbus Day weekend in Springfield MA. There are birds for sale there and you can meet breeders.

Also, most breeders can't or don't sex their day olds so you will be getting straight run (in case you didn't know).
Cool, thanks! No, I don't really know yet which breeds are going to work out best, but I'm really liking the Orpingtons I have (Lavender and Buff) so maybe more of those? Or another color? Also liking my Black Copper Marans and the look of my Welsummers...they're only 5 weeks, so I'll probably know more in the spring!

I'm having a tough time with this bunch of straight-run chicks because A) I think I have 75% Roos, B) I'm getting too attached to them, C) the Roos are the most friendly and outgoing right now, and D) as much as I really think I should get used to it and toughen up, I don't think I can get myself to eat my own chickens!! I recognize the benefits, and really want to be OK with it, but I'm just not!! Totally creeps me out :(

So straight-run essentially for me means trying to re-home a ton of roosters, which I'm working on now. Think Springfield would be a good place to give away roosters? Can you just show up? I've honestly never heard about a Poultry Swap or a Poultry Show (other than at our county fair) until I got chickens. I'm thinking free on Craigslist is going to be my best bet, but I don't know...

thread. There is also a large poultry show over the Columbus Day weekend in Springfield MA. There are birds for sale there and you can meet breeders.
Correction! The poultry show is over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend in January, not Columbus day! Yeesh, don't know where my brain was this morning.

It's the Poultry Congress
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