Any Chicken can Frizzle?


Showers of Blessings
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Clark CO. IL 25 Chicken Years
I bought chicks off a BYC'er. One is an Easter Egger that looks like it's going to be a frizzle. It's feathers are standing out from it's body in the oddest way. It is just about 5 weeks old.

Can ANY chicken frizzle? Is it just a fluke? Please, educate me.
Well, I thought that the frizzle was a specific breed, but I may be VERY wrong!! It could possibly be a cross breed?? I would love to see a picture of that!! Here is my frizzle rooster drinking rain water with my buff silkie

Frizzle is both- a specific breed, which seems to be very rare now- basically they looked like a 'regular' chicken except with frizzled feathers.

Frizzle is also a 'variety' that can be introduced into a breed and then be accepted into being part of the standard, like Frizzle Cochins. Frizzle cochins seem to be the most common frizzled chicken nowdays.

Frizzle is a dominant trait and can be extremely easily introduced to any breed or mix. So yes, any chicken can be frizzled.
I read somewhere that some breeds have strong modifier genes that inhibit the frizzle gene if it is inherited. It will show as a young chick a few weeks old, but later the feathers are mostly straight, with only faint rippling or faintly curled tips on the primaries... but it's
"the internet" which we know is always 100% true... lol
Which brings me to my idea of.... Frizzle cochin roo X a guinea hen :eek:

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