Any Christmas / Dec 2012 Hatch a long's?


My 5 are doing well, happy to hear about all the other the little ones! Good luck to those still waiting.

My second hatch is looking strange. I'm not sure what's going on. The eggs look weird when candled. Like they are alive, but growing slow. I upped the temp by 1 so we will see if that helps. They are alive.
:( well its day 16 and we candled... It doesn't look very good... We only have 4 eggs in the incubator and when we candle them... well they didn't look like day 16 eggs (maybe day 14 stage)... We didn't see any movement but there is a black blob in the egg... I think they're dead but my fiancee still wants to wait till day 21. What do you guys think? As I said before I am new to this and not really sure what to look for or very experienced in candling eggs. The eggs we have are bantam Easter egger... Is there development any different or hardered to see whats going on??? :(
My second hatch is looking slow also, they look weird, not filling the egg etc. But they are alive so they will continue as planned.

I would suggest doing the same. ;-) you never know
Any dark or tinted shell (blue, green, olive) can be very hard to see exactly what's going on. I always leave any with any hope at all until hatch completes unless they begin to smell or leak. I've had several hatch that I swore were duds because I couldn't see into them.

I ended up with 1 baby from my batch that was due 12/23 & it was 3-4 days late. When I left Wed afternoon it was barely pipped & when I came home Thursday afternoon it was fully hatched & dry. I had several temp drops & power went out overnight once so I'm actually surprised any hatched at all. She doesn't seem to want to stand very sell at the moment so I'm not sure if she's still trying to find her legs or if there's a problem. Guess we'll hafta wait & see. I have more due starting the 1st & staggered over almost 3 weeks after. I set eggs every few days.
just started 12 silkie eggs and 6 duck eggs
So, my first hatch had it's ups and downs. I hatched 5 out of 8 eggs between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Sadly, in helping one shrink wrapped baby I think I doomed two of the remaining 3 eggs with a temp spike (the other stopped developing sometime before 18 days). The shrink wrapped chick, we named Zip, and a fellow chick both had leg and foot issues. Despite hand feeding/watering, shoes, hobbles, a chick donut, and a full up chick rehab center...they both passed away in the last day. I think they just weren't strong enough to make it.

But we still have these beautiful fluffy babies!


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