Any differences in caring for a Muscovy versus a regular (Mallard descendant) duck?

Not the best pictures, but what I could get with where she wanted to stand. She looks to be young from her size. She seems to me that she needs to fill out more, just judging by my other ducks. Are Muscovy ducks smaller then say a Buff duck? The wing facing the camera has had the feathers clipped so perhaps no perching for a while. Its not high so she might do well getting to it anyway.

She really seems to love the waterfowl ff (fermented feed) I am giving her so she should do well filling out to her natural size she should be. Nothing visible in her poop so I doubt worms are an issue. Clear eyes. Nares clean. Lungs have no wheeziness or any other dangerous sounds. Clean feathers. No mites or lice visible (still could use a bit more checking to be sure). Eating well. Drinking well. Enjoying her bath. Sweet as can be. Why would someone want to have her put down? It just makes no sense. Ah well, their loss is my gain. She is mine now
Now all I need is a name...
Not the best pictures, but what I could get with where she wanted to stand. She looks to be young from her size. She seems to me that she needs to fill out more, just judging by my other ducks. Are Muscovy ducks smaller then say a Buff duck? The wing facing the camera has had the feathers clipped so perhaps no perching for a while. Its not high so she might do well getting to it anyway.

She really seems to love the waterfowl ff (fermented feed) I am giving her so she should do well filling out to her natural size she should be. Nothing visible in her poop so I doubt worms are an issue. Clear eyes. Nares clean. Lungs have no wheeziness or any other dangerous sounds. Clean feathers. No mites or lice visible (still could use a bit more checking to be sure). Eating well. Drinking well. Enjoying her bath. Sweet as can be. Why would someone want to have her put down? It just makes no sense. Ah well, their loss is my gain. She is mine now
Now all I need is a name...
She is beautiful, I love their faces just so sweet. and yes she looks young maybe 4-6 months judging by what my youngest look like now. I like old timey names like Ella, Emily, I have a Ruth Ann and a Emmie Lou but I'm sure you will come up with a name that suits her. How old are your buffs? my older Scovies are pretty round my younger ones no so much yet.
I only have one Buff. She was given to me last year at the same time as a Black Swedish. I named them Daffy (changed to Daffina after it turned out he was a she) and Daisy for the Buff. Daisy is the one that sat on some eggs (not hers) and hatched my last babies. As a first time mom she did really well but frequently looked over whelmed but her babies. She now seems so much more happy with them now that they are almost full grown and not her responsibility. She is a great duck, well all my ducks are great. Even my duck Trouble is great although there are times...

I am thinking perhaps Penny as a name for this new girl. She has an iridescence and has all the colors of a copper penny.
I only have one Buff. She was given to me last year at the same time as a Black Swedish. I named them Daffy (changed to Daffina after it turned out he was a she) and Daisy for the Buff. Daisy is the one that sat on some eggs (not hers) and hatched my last babies. As a first time mom she did really well but frequently looked over whelmed but her babies. She now seems so much more happy with them now that they are almost full grown and not her responsibility. She is a great duck, well all my ducks are great. Even my duck Trouble is great although there are times...

I am thinking perhaps Penny as a name for this new girl. She has an iridescence and has all the colors of a copper penny.
I like it I have a lavender Cochin bantam Orpington hen named Penny after a very good friend. boy that was a mouth full. lol
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Scovies like to graze, so if you have an enclosed area, or a carefully watched one, with some grass, short weeds, etc., she'd like to nip at all the vegetation. Especially seed heads!
Scovies like to graze, so if you have an enclosed area, or a carefully watched one, with some grass, short weeds, etc., she'd like to nip at all the vegetation. Especially seed heads!
All my birds get to free range in my fenced in garden and yard during the day so I am sure she will love that. Thanks for the tip on the seed heads. My other ducks don't seem to care for them so if she likes them that would be great.
I really am liking the name Penny for her. It really suits her. Today she is out and slowly exploring a little bit of the garden. She goes a little ways then back near the pen I have her in. The geese and the rest of the ducks like to watch her but don't seem to be interested in trying to pick fights through the fence. Last night I lifted her up on the perch. I think she should be able to get to it on her own now that she knows where it is. Its only about 3 feet off the ground and I think she has enough wing feathers to get up that high. I guess we'll see.
I tried a few treats on her and her favorite is whole wheat bread with a close second of actually just the fermented feed. I only will give my birds a bit of the whole wheat bread at a time so it doesn't pack in their crop. I am sticking with the ff as long as she loves it. Makes giving her a treat easy. She will eat it right out of my hand. So sweet.
I really am liking the name Penny for her. It really suits her. Today she is out and slowly exploring a little bit of the garden. She goes a little ways then back near the pen I have her in. The geese and the rest of the ducks like to watch her but don't seem to be interested in trying to pick fights through the fence. Last night I lifted her up on the perch. I think she should be able to get to it on her own now that she knows where it is. Its only about 3 feet off the ground and I think she has enough wing feathers to get up that high. I guess we'll see.
I tried a few treats on her and her favorite is whole wheat bread with a close second of actually just the fermented feed. I only will give my birds a bit of the whole wheat bread at a time so it doesn't pack in their crop. I am sticking with the ff as long as she loves it. Makes giving her a treat easy. She will eat it right out of my hand. So sweet.
My Muscovies have never roosted, They sleep in the shaving on the floor of their stall, Maybe if I had offered to give them roost when they were young they may have. Happy to hear she is getting settled. and like the ff. mine still hold their noses when I put it down for them but the chickens are scarfing it up.
lol Animals can be so funny when it comes to food. I tried giving some of my birds pumpkin seeds after we baked a pumpkin. Only one bird (my gander) would even touch them. Everyone else acted like they were poison. Same goes for most of the healthy treats I bring them. Just about the only treats that everyone seems to like is kale and apple peelings. Even the wheat bread is snubbed by over half of my birds.
Interesting that your Muscovies don't roost. This girl is so young that I think, if she gets the hang of it she will prefer it. A bit more peaceful roosting then on the ground with all the rest of the ducks milling around.

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