Any duck owners in Washington (besides Yakima)?


10 Years
May 11, 2013
I want to make a duck club but living in King County, that becomes kinda difficult. Also wanted to know if anyone had any info on local duck shows or breeders. Google hasn't been too helpful.
Hello :) we just got two ducklings and two silkie chickens we are in king county Down in kent. WhI ch part are you at? How long and how many ducks do you have. There is a ton on chickens but I'm having a tough time finding alot on ducks.
How fun! are you all on property or small backyards. Do you have pictures of your coops/runs? I'm so excited to start building ours I haven't been able to sleep haha
Welcome to BYC!!
I live in downtown Kent in a duplex with a yard. My ducks go across the street to graze in the field of my neighbor or spend the day out in my yard. I converted the old dog run into a duck pen for them. It's not completed yet. I'm hoping to finish it this weekend. I have 10 ducks and a goose although my city laws say I can only have 8. So my neighbor just says that half of them are his since he eats their eggs. He wanted ducks but he's old and didn't want to have to mess with them and since I like messing with them we "share" the flock. :)
O how fun. Lucky you with nice and awesome neighbors. Ours are still inside but I think our neighbors will be alright with it. We're up on east hill. Have a decent lot but not huge. Very normal suburbs yard. I read 3 ducks or chickens for 5000 Sq ft and 1 additional for every 1000 Sq ft on top of the 5. Did I read that right? It was hard to understand. if so I think that means we can only have 5 :( haha probably for the best though for us
Hrm, if that is the case then I'm way over my duck limit. I will just have to get more neighbors to "share" the ducks. I don't have a huge lot for my yard at all, maybe 1000 sq feet but the grazing lot across the street is at least 6000 sq ft if not more. I guess I thought our laws were similar to Seattle that allows up to 8. The people down the alley from me have about 10 chickens and 1 rooster and their yard is super tiny. I didn't even know they had chickens until I was walking by one morning and the rooster crowed from inside the chicken house.

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