Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

This is my first time incubating so I'm a newbie, too!
I just put 7 eggs in my 'bator yesterday. 4 from my girls and three from a friend here at work. I have a LG, still air and I am the turner. :)
I didn't do the X O markings on the eggs, on one side I put the date they were laid and the other side are the initials of the girls who laid them (except the three from work, they're labeled Phillip) He didn't lay them obviously, but he sent them from his girls so I could learn how to use my 'bator before my Buckeye eggs arrive from Ohio.

Anyway, I think it would be grand for us to share this experience together. Only problem I have is I will be away from my computer until next Wed evening.

I am keeping a journal and so look forward to reading about how you're doing.!
Best Wishes & Happy Hatching!
Hi xpbuttercup

I too am a newbie to chickens. we have 9 in our home made incubator (who is called Ingrid) which are due to hatch on Sunday. Never done anything like this before and i am so excited to meet the little critters when they hatch.

I've noticed that a lot of people on here are in USA so i hope you dont mind a British person jumping in too.

Good luck with your hatching
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I did cave in and put the e-g-g-s in last night. This morning was the first turning. I see that they all want to roll in toward the middle; the wire rack won't lay flat, and they're all touching. Problem?

Might have to use the carton after all, to give them all space. Will see what the consensus is later today. Gotta head out.

Oh, and the humidity is down to 30-35% now, possibly because the shelf liner is partially covering the water wells? One thing or another ... at least the thermometer shows there were no heat spikes last night after putting the e-g-g-s in.

I will be putting my E G G S in the bator tonight.

Silly April fools day

: silly moderators first of apri! day
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Hi, I am on my first hatch.

I put the 'roosters' in the bator on Sat night. LOL, I had even asked a question about e ggs being called 'roosters'....I'm new so I thought it was another name for e gg...LMAO! I knew roosters were male chickens BUT everywhere I read it kept saying roosters instead of e ggs. Funny! Anyways, I ordered some silkie eggs (12+2 from one person) and (7+1 from another). First night I put them in I was so scared about the temp & humidity that I woke up every 2 hrs to check on it. Everything was fine and been so since then. My temp has been about 99*- 101*....can't seem to get it to stay right on but weather changes here been weird. Also I am using a LG, still air, w/ automatic turner. Humidity has been about 32%-40%. Also having a hard time keeping it closer. The wait is killing me!!! I hope I get a good hatch rate! I check on them about every 2 hrs. I am going to candle them in a few days and I am so excited! I haven't done it yet, as I heard day 7 you should definately see something. WooHoo! Im so excited!
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It seems like forever. I just want to pull them out every day and candle them BUT it might be a little early still and if the e gg looks like its infertile and its not, then I will be really bummed for possibly no reason at all. So I am trying my best to hold off a few days so I can get a more accurate look at it

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