Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

I'm on day six, and I candled a couple and one was a quitter with a blood ring already. The other one looked ok. I'm hoping the quitter was due to rough handling...these eggs have been all over the place. My MIL's uncle gave them to her, she gave them to my brothers-in-law, they took them to work with them three hours away and kept them two days, then my husband met them on the job site and picked them up. They probably have been exposed to temperature variances too, so no telling what will happen. I guess I should candle the rest to make sure I don't end up with a rotten one...or should I wait a couple more days?
I am waiting to candle until Wednesday I think. That will be day 8 for us. Everything was fine in the bator, but one of my temperature gauges is all off...and last night the thermostat kept turning everything off and on and I don't know why. ARG!
I think I'll wait too. I forgot to add that when I got these eggs, they were small end up in the carton. I let them sit for 24 hours with the big end up before I put them in the incubator. I've kept them that way in a trimmed down egg carton, just tilting it several times a day.
I candled this weekend but I have NO idea what I am looking for or at. Maybe someday I'll learn.
I candled two nights ago and saw nothing. Then I candled again last night (day 4) and saw what I think I'm supposed to see. There was a dark spot with spidery lines coming out. Just like the pictures online!!!

I candled two of them and as I was putting one back into the incubator, it slipped and crashed onto another egg.
Both had minor cracks in them so I patched them by melting candle wax on top of them. Then I added a sponge to increase the humidity. This is what I read online to do. We'll see if it saves the eggs. I don't have high hopes, but figure there's nothing to lose.

Normally, I'm not klutzy, but my eggs keep breaking. 3 so far. I'd be so mad at the kids if they had dropped them! I'm pretty mad at myself, too.

My consolation is that I only want 1-3 hens. I don't think that my yard/neighbors can take a whole lot more than that. We have 6 already.
Wish I would have saw this post earlier!!! I set 20 Chicken eggs and I dunno, 40 something quail eggs on the 2nd
I also have a LG that I slightly modified.
I broke one of mine last year- dropped it on the way back to the nest, just after discovering it was fertile. Since I have no broody hen this year, I figured I'd test my incubating skills on a few of the free eggs from my flock BEFORE my very-much-not-free araucana eggs arrive. I will kick myself for days if I smash one of those!
I will join ya. I set my LG up March 31. 48 eggs and one double yolk I had to modify the turner cup to hold (old style removable cups). 38 RIR and 10 Mille Fleur D'uccles. I have a broody also that just started getting comfy in the nest. I took her eggs and let her sit on 8 d'uccle eggs yesterday.
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Hey.. Welcome Maisie.. This is the place to talk chickens
and find experienced people to share their knowledge with us Noobs..

Read a lot.. there's various opinions so evaluate each on it's own merit..
We're on day 5:

I candled all the eggs tonight and saw.....12 eggs that look like spiders! I could even see movement inside a couple of them.

The two cracked eggs that I repaired with wax had both had grown and one looked liked something was moving around in there!

Only 1 egg looked like there was nothing going on, but we'll give it a few days.

The kids got to name each egg so that we can keep track of which egg is which. (We wrote in permanent marker a name on each egg) This may backfire when Fluffy-Snuggles falls on the floor and LadyButterfly turns out to be a rooster. Cutie is our only questionable egg.

I am going to try not to candle them (except maybe Cutie) for a few days.

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