Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

I agree, I think if they are chirping and pipping and trying to get out and no progress is made then you should help them. If I would have helped one of mine, then it would have made it but it was too late. Good job!!! Can't wait for pics!!
Yes! Easter egger #1 is out, and stumbling around the incubator. I'll put him with the other two when he's a little more dried off. Hopefully his brother will finish hatching tonight.
I'll go out to the coop after the kids go to bed, that will be 12 hours. If its still not making progress I may chip just a little out and give it a hand, but I dont want to do too much. Mom is giving it a little peck every once and a while too I noticed.
A third egg hatched today. The chick isn't doing too well, seems to have lost a lot of blood (and still losing blood) through the "stump" and is just overall not as healthy-looking as the others were, even when exhausted from zipping.

We opened an egg that showed no movement when we candled it. We saw a beak, and some feathering, but it didn't look like the chick was fully formed, there was a "bean" of yolk left and it was just ... gooey? Not breathing, no heartbeat.

This is Day 22, and since one egg did hatch today, we're going to at least wait 24 hours so it can gain some strength ... the other chicks picked on it and we had to move them out of the 'bator.

Any ideas on what might have happened?
Sorry, Buttercup...I hope she makes it. I'm not sure what happened to your opened egg? I could take a guess and say if it was gooey, then maybe the humidity got too high? Sorry, not sure. I'm still learning about all of the problems as well. Maybe she had an infection of some sort and quit early? Hope the little one does ok!
we had a pip last night.
When my wife got up for work this morning there was a yellow chicky dancing around in the bator.
When I got up (20minutes later) it had made its way into a water dish and drown
. All my fault.

I noticed 3 more pips this morning so I filled up the water dishes with marbles and closed the lid back up.
Aww sorry dan you lost your chick
we have no peeps as of yet 4 eggs due to peep anyday crosses fingers

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I've had a hard time keeping humidity up, so I don't think it drowned... seems more like a bunch of them just quit sometime after Day 14 and before Day 19. Hard to say. Stumpy is doing better. The 'older' two are in a box with a lamp and he's still in the 'bator until he gains some strength. End of day we'll probably open the rest of the eggs and see if we learn anything.

Hubby is ready to set another dozen and try again. I told him what everyone's said about the LG and getting a nicer 'bator but I think he's willing to give this one another go before making the big step up from $40 to $200 ... we shall see. :}
Well, easter egger #2 FINALLY made it out this morning. He's still a little woozy, and his toes seem curled up, but he's only been out of the egg for 2 hours so I'll give him some time.
To sum up: after 22.5 days of incubation, I have 2 easter eggers, 2 barnyard mixes and 3 eggs still in the bator that don't seem to be up to much. I'll give them another day or two just in case.
Buttercup, I also have LG and I am going to try it again before buying an expensive one. Only thing I would like to add to it is a fan if I could. They hold the temp & humidity more accurately and all around...vs the still air (like mine) that hovers over the top of the eggs. I think it would be much easier and I'd get a better hatch and not have to worry so much.

backpack, sorry about your chicky

e from NC, hope the others make it.

Congrats everyone on their new chicks!

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