Any folks from Missouri out there?

Thanks, but that's a small amount compared to what you have. Do you have any other animals? We have 2 dogs and I'm also taking care of a horse, a donkey, and 3 goats, but they don't belong to me. That's been a whole other learning process.
Who knows maybe I'll get the hang of it all one of these days.
yeah, way too many, lol. I also have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 12 rabbits, 10 ducks, quail (not quite sure how many i have...haven't counted in a while), tons of fish, turtles, snakes, lizards, and Tarantulas. That's not including all the feeders which i breed for the reptiles. The chickens get the benefit of them too :p I raise crickets, earthworms, mice, gerbils, and rats. My little sister has a cockatiel and a parakeet. I've had plenty of other animals (including horses, mules, and pigs) in the past, but those are my current animals.

What breeds of dogs are yours? Mine are a 4 year old terrier mix named scooter and a 11 week old Dutch Shepherd Puppy named Apache.

lol, i've always wanted to get into livestock more. I am planning on adding goats next year, and possibly a couple of horses later as well. We are kinda starting a little urban homestead. Working on putting up a fence currently for my very fast growing Apache, who will be needing more than a 10x5 dog kennel soon.

How much land do you have? We have a little less than 2 acres.
We have 2.5 acres. My dogs are Brussels Griffons. Not really "farm" dogs, more like couch potatoes, but we love them. What type of goats are you thinking about getting? The ones I take care of are boer goats. They are too funny. Would love to have dairy goats.
We have 2.5 acres. My dogs are Brussels Griffons. Not really "farm" dogs, more like couch potatoes, but we love them. What type of goats are you thinking about getting? The ones I take care of are boer goats. They are too funny. Would love to have dairy goats.
lol, those are cute dogs :) Scooter (the little terrier) is also not a farm dog but a indoor couch potato.

I really want Golden Guernsey Goats, but they are still a really rare breed here in the USA, so they are way out of my price range. I will most likely get alpines or perhaps Nigerians. I love boer goats though...they are so cool. I wish they were dairy goats as well as meat goats. I may get one of those as the wether to be with the buck. I also love kiko and spanish goats, but they are meat goats as stinks that my favorite breeds are meat goats!
I know what you mean. The three I take care of are meat goats, but I can't imagine ever actually eating them. Are you getting rain? We are swamped here. My garden is turning into a mud pit. The strawberries seem to like it though. I have more than I know what to do with. I guess I'll freeze them for later.
I know what you mean. The three I take care of are meat goats, but I can't imagine ever actually eating them. Are you getting rain? We are swamped here. My garden is turning into a mud pit. The strawberries seem to like it though. I have more than I know what to do with. I guess I'll freeze them for later.
yeah...eating a goat would be really hard.

yes, we are also totally swamped... i would love to have a ton of strawberries. Our fruit trees love the rain though. We are hoping it stops since my little brother has a soccer game tonight.
You should try growing strawberries. They are super easy, just mix some sand into the dirt and plant away.
You should try growing strawberries. They are super easy, just mix some sand into the dirt and plant away.
i plan too. I actually did a few years ago, but since moving to a new house, we are still in the getting garden bed ready phase. I can't wait to plant strawberries and lots of veggies next year after preparing all the gardens. We only have a small veggie garden this year, and are getting fruit, nut, and berry trees/bushes planted.
My husband is the vegetable grower around here. I do the flowers, the fruits and the animals. Everything is doing well except for the apple trees. I never get any apples, but looks like I will have a good crop of peaches. That is if the squirrels and racoons don't beat me to them.
My husband is the vegetable grower around here. I do the flowers, the fruits and the animals. Everything is doing well except for the apple trees. I never get any apples, but looks like I will have a good crop of peaches. That is if the squirrels and racoons don't beat me to them.
My mom is the gardener, i have all the animals, my sister is the housekeeper, my brother is the helper (he is 5), and dad is the handy man...i am learning how to build and fix things from him, which will help me since i want to be a farmer in the future :) Our trees were just planted last fall, but this spring all but 1 are doing good. lol, hope those critters don't get your food!
That's great that everyone has their thing they do to get all the chores done. I was an only child growing up so I learned household stuff from my mom and how to build and fix stuff from my dad. Sounds like you are doing the same thing. That's great.

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