Any Gamers Here?

I've been gaming since before I can remember. I'm told I was started on it when I was maybe two or three years old. I've been gaming to some degree my whole life, though it really only became a big thing once I was around 10 or so. Despite other people getting me into gaming initially and helping maintain that hobby, from around 10 years old I was mainly in charge of figuring out what I wanted to play and what systems to get.

It's worked out pretty well, so far.

I couldn't imagine not being a gamer, at this point. It's been such a large part of my life for decades now. Not gaming would be like not listening to music or not reading books. It's a very important thing to me.
OK, I can’t get it right now, but I will get a picture of it later. Here’s the basic idea.


My brother got this for me when he went to a convention in Salt Lake City. He met Charles Martinet, the voice actor for Mario. He was able to get this signed by him for me.

He also got something else signed by Charles Martinet, the very first game he had ever received and played, Super Mario 64.

The first video game sound effect my brother heard was Charles Martinets voice. He explained this when he met him, and he was very touched. As a result, he got that original cartridge signed.

It’s a collectors item, in a frame now.

As soon as I find it, I will post a picture of it.

Here is the cartridge that we play. This is not the signed one.


Pretty surprised to see a gaming thread here!

I've been gaming from a very young age - started with the old Jumpstart / Humongous Entertainment games, moved into the Harry Potter PC series, and then started with Nintendo products around age ten. Took a break for a few years in my early teens, and then got sucked back into it when I was introduced to Kingdom Hearts. (Which I adore, in all its convoluted glory.)

Gaming gets a bad reputation for being a solitary activity, but my mom / brothers were avid players as well, so it was very much a family experience. :) And as an artist, the concept art side of things is particularly intriguing.

As far as favorites go, I'm... all over the map, haha. I enjoy most major Nintendo franchises, as well as Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, and the old school Fire Emblem titles. Final Fantasy XV has been my current time-waster... I'm nearly fifty hours in and barely halfway through the actual story.

(I'm easily distracted; why waste time saving the world when I can launch the car off of high cliffs?)

Anyways! Sorry for rambling, just was excited to find some fellow gamers here.
Been gaming since I was a kid in the 80s. Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, then switched to PC gaming even though I have an XBOX 360.

Currently been playing some WOW again, although my intro into PC gaming was Ultima Online circa 2000. I like rpgs and mmorpgs mostly, although I do like some sims like Theme Hospital, Sims 1,2, + 3, etc. I enjoyed Wildstar ( may it RiP ) and Conan Exiles. Subnautica is really good and it made me realize I do have a teensy fear of deep dark ocean water ( but I love it so much! ).

And I stopped playing Octodad because I couldn't get away from the seafood department butcher. Damn cardboard boxes keep tripping my flailing tentacles.

Edit to add- oh yeah.. forgot to mention Stardew Valley. Fun little game!

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