Any good pre-made runs we could consider?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 24, 2012
So, our four chicks are not so much...chicks anymore. And yet, the coop is still not done...and the run isn't even started. The poor girls are basically free ranging in our maybe I should actually be saying pooooooor bathroom! We need to get them outside ASAP and considering the coop is taking forever, we need to consider plan b with the run. It was going to cost us a lot of money just to buy the materials for the run, so if we are going to spend that much cash and still have to build it....I was wondering if there were any pre made runs we could attach to our 4x4 coop? My husband is a caroenter and built it like a little house, but its taking forever. We were going to put in on cinder blocks and attached a wood and hardware cloth run, we were thinking about 4ft tall or so, 9-12 feet long, about 4 ft wide....I have looked online and either have not seen much that looked sturdy or that would be easy to attach....we don't mind doing a bit of adjusting and strengthening but just need to figure out something fast and cost efficitive. We have even considered rehoming the girls as the entire undertaking has cost much more time and money than we really had to spare (in middle of home remodel too!) but the four year old kid is super attached and we started this endeavor so we would rather make this work ...any advice very much appreciated! We are open to diff designs aides if they would work with our coop.
Try a dog kennel. I bought 2 10x10x6 dog kennels off of craigslist. I have them set up as two runs/coops right now. I plan on combining them together for one big run soon. It is quick, easily added to and secure. You can add chicken wire or plastic cloth to the lower half to keep chicks in and others out.
We also use a 10x10x6 dog kennel. We use ours as a tractor. We put hardware cloth around the bottom 3' up the side and a 1' apron to keep predators out. We actually have 2 for different sets of girls, the tops are both covered with 2"x4" wire and a tarp. The 2nd one is going to have a hoop roof to lift the tarp so rain will roll off better.

Also try searching this site for dog kennel runs and you'll get more ideas. Good luck! They work well for us.
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I'm also using a dog run. Mine is 12X6 for my current 11 chickens. I did add chicken wire to it though to keep them from sticking their heads out. I also did a 1' skirt to prevent predators digging in. That meant that 1' up the sides also has hardware cloth.
If you don't want to spend the money on a dog run and if this is just temporary, just get a bunch of 2x4s and rip them in half and chicken wire and frame out the box to the size you want and possibly make a door out of it. It should only cost $50 for such a run, at least for an 8x8.
This little run I built only cost $30 for materials and only took 30 min to built. If it is temporary, go cheap if you can.

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