Any guess what animal left these paw prints?

Raccoons can get BIG here as in big enough that one of them took on our 60 pound Cattle Dog and scared the bejeezers out of him to the point that he damaged an ear trying to crawl through a window and get into the house in order to get away from it. I imagine standing upright as they can do, it would have been pretty impressive.
Raccoons can get BIG here as in big enough that one of them took on our 60 pound Cattle Dog and scared the bejeezers out of him to the point that he damaged an ear trying to crawl through a window and get into the house in order to get away from it. I imagine standing upright as they can do, it would have been pretty impressive.
they sure do get big, right now my record stands at a 30 lb raccoon.

but i would say that is a raccoon only thing is don't they den up this time of year?

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