any guesses.


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014

Long story short inherited a chicken. Looks like she's a she but no idea what breed
Welcome to BYC! It appears you have inherited a Speckled Sussex chick. Congratulations! Great breed; very friendly and calm. Good luck with her.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

What a cutie pie!!! Enjoy this adorable bird and welcome to our flock!
You really need to inherit two or three. Chickens are flock animals and prefer the company of others to being - lonely onlys.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! X2 the above. She'll be much happier with some chicken company. She's very young still, so see if you can find a small chick friend (or two) for her. There are a few articles on raising chicks, etc in the Learning Center with more info on these wonderful little creatures. Enjoy!
Yes. I have other chicks. She was a homeless extra I took in. Just didn't know what breed she was

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