Any idea on why it didn't hatch?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 21, 2011
We had three guinea eggs in the incubator, two died at day 7 the other died on hatch day. I found this out through an eggtopsy, it looked normal to me except there was this brown goop on it. What are a few reasons why it wouldn't have hatched? I am trying to get the hang of incubating and doing the trial and error thing...Trying to hatch and writing down any notes possible, this is the closest I have ever been to hatching so I was really upset about this..Any note will help.
What were the temp and humidity settings?. Were the eggs dirty when you set them? Did the early quitters (day 7) have blood visible rings when/if you candled them? Were they collected from a clean coop, or off the ground? Were they handled a lot? How were they stored prior to setting them? There's always lots of variables as to why an egg doesn't hatch, so it's hard to narrow down the exact reason without every little detail accounted for, and even then nothing's definite... but the brown goo (yuck) sounds like bacterial infection contaminated the egg to me
Throughout incubation the temp was a steady 99.5-100. The humidity was 30-40 until day 25 I raised it to about 60. They were clean eggs, the quitters didn't have blood rings, they just stopped developing. Collected from a clean coop, in the nesting boxes. They weren't handled a lot, I candle very seldom. They were stored for one day in my egg turner that I don't use in the incubator, (I have had worse luck with it in there)
Hmm ok... I'm not seeing any obvious issues that I can definitively pinpoint the cause to.

Here's a few more possibilities to consider... Are you sure your hygrometer and thermometer read accurately? And was your incubator thoroughly sterilized prior to use? Did you use a circulated air incubator or a still air model? I'm assuming you hand turned the eggs at least 3 times a day? The incubator wasn't in an area that gets excessive vibrations, from like a door slamming or anything like that was it? Was it set up in an area where it could pull in cooking fumes or perfumes/air fresheners?

I think it's safe to assume the early quitters were caused by one issue, and the late quitter was caused by another, I just can't think of any more causes we could narrow either cause of death down to... sorry
Did the 3rd egg even pip?

Anybody else out there have any input on this?
Well now that I think of it the other day I sprayed air freshener throughout the house. I didn't know that it couldn't be near the incubator. I didn't excessively spray it near there though. I just sprayed around the corners of the room and then continued to the rest of the house.

No it did not even pip. and when I did my eggtopsy I couldn't see the head so I assume that it didn't even try to pip.

I am buying a new hygrometer and thermometer for it to be sure that it is accurate.

I did turn them by hand and very carefully.

I did sterilize it, and it's a circulated model.

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