Any idea what breed?


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2015
I received my 26 chicks today, along with the 15 specific breed chicks I bought I also bought the 10 of the Meyer hatchery leanns adoptable chick which are any breed straight run I'm pretty sure I have figured most out but I have 2 of these cuties they look a bit like my buff brahmas did but they have no feathers on their legs.

Ok not the best picture because they are under the light but here they are.
Yes it has a spot and yellow legs. My phone just died but it has a dark wide strip down its back.
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So the white spot on a chipmunk striped chick would be a male of one of the auto sexing breeds, I'm pretty sure. I'm not sure right off what Meyer has, but it's likely a CCL cockerel. Or, I guess it could possibly be an Olive egger, and could be female depending on the cross they used. The hatcheries doing mixed or "designer" breeds is going to make breed ID a pain in the butt.




New to being a chicken mommy and having a hard time figuring out what my babies are.:( Any help us greatly appreciated. TIA :)
They all have feathered legs and 4 toes
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New to being a chicken mommy and having a hard time figuring out what my babies are.
Any help us greatly appreciated. TIA

They all have feathered legs and 4 toes

Where did they come from? If a hatchery, which one? If a breeder, are they pure breds or could they be mixed?
I thought I had most of my chicks figured out but there is this one that kinda looks like the one I posted before so I thought it was the same now I'm not so sure.
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