Any ideas what these are? age 5 days

Nimueh Alene

7 Years
Apr 9, 2017
Sebastian county Arkansas
Got them y from Valley Farm hatchery.. Some may be Ryan's mix breeds.. The rest are pure breed brown layers. I think I have a Welsummer .
These are the ones I'm most curious about .I know how to sex Chicks and it's a pullet... Wondering if it's a sapphire gem or lavender orphinton .
The one in back is supposed to be a silver laced wyandotte .
She doesn't look like how my lavenders looked at chicks. They were solid grey from beak to tail with a buttery yellow belly. Do you have a list of possible breeds that the hatchery pulls from for their "mixed bag"?
The amazing thing about chicks of that age is, they will so drastically change colors as their feathers progress. This can only be described as "the magical period". What now looks like something, will turn out to be something entirely different. That's my favorite part about breeding and raising chicks.
My suggestion to the OP, take lots of photographs up until they are mature. The "Time line Photo Story" will be worth your efforts.
BTW.. nice looking little flock you have there..
yippie chic.gif
She doesn't look like how my lavenders looked at chicks. They were solid grey from beak to tail with a buttery yellow belly. Do you have a list of possible breeds that the hatchery pulls from for their "mixed bag"?

Absolutely agree here, those head marking are not typical of Lavendar Orps at all. The grey chicks in this pic are Lavendar Orps and they grew into a fine pair of cockerels....


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