Any Ideas What This Baby Is?


9 Years
Nov 6, 2010
St. Petersburg

Does anybody have any idea what breed this little guy is? A neighbor found it in the street.
We are in an urban area where "mini" flocks (up to 6 hens) are trendy. Wildlife is mostly the typical raccoon-&-blue jay variety. One pet store does sell quail ...
The legs look white. My first guess would be Old English Game (bantam?) or mix.

I think if a neighbor was able to pick it up without any problems, it's probably not feral. But I've never seen feral chickens in Florida, so I wouldn't really know.
The legs look white. My first guess would be Old English Game (bantam?) or mix.

I think if a neighbor was able to pick it up without any problems, it's probably not feral. But I've never seen feral chickens in Florida, so I wouldn't really know.
The legs look white. My first guess would be Old English Game (bantam?) or mix.

I think if a neighbor was able to pick it up without any problems, it's probably not feral. But I've never seen feral chickens in Florida, so I wouldn't really know.

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