Any ideas?

Going Quackers, I love your building! Especially the outside. I too love the old look. Like you, my dream (since I was a child) has been to have an old two story farmhouse with an old barn located on the property. I finally managed to get the house a year ago this coming weekend! No old barn though, just 3 buildings.

I forgot to mention, we have access to some free old barn wood and plan on using it to fill in the gaps in the duck house.

With the huge opening in the front, do you think we will still need to add a window or two? Do you close the windows in the winter? Our winters get down into the teens, we usually don't get a whole lot of snow though.

Miss Lydia and thepregnantgod, thanks for the advice about the bottom. I like the hardware cloth and pebbles idea. I'm trying to do this as cheaply as possible and will see what I can scrounge up.

It already has a metal roof and I will be using a chain link panel for the top of the kennel, so no worries about anything getting in from above.

I read somewhere that ducks feel safer if they have a small opening (door) to go into. Is this true?
Should we make some kind of box for them to go into that's inside the building?

I'm going to get 2 kiddie pools. One will be in the yard for when they're out and the other will be in their enclosure. For the pool in the enclosure, should I put it in the kennel part or inside the building? I had first planned on putting it in the kennel part but was thinking that for the real hot days, maybe it would be better inside?

Sorry for all the questions, I just want my duckies to be safe and happy. They're only eggs right now, but I already

Thank you, your lucky to have the house and even the outbuildings.. this place had nothing only the house.. we have had to build it all... My windows are closed in the winter.. I'm in Canada so they can be fierce, but our summer can skyrocket to 100F and to people who spend most of our time in cold that is freakin' hot! lol I think windows vary on what your temps are and your set up, we have no attached run and i like the sun to help provide extra warmth in the fall/winter.

Our barn only has a typical door.. it's actually solid wood, old.. even has the antique door handle, the ducks don't appreciate it though but we do
A door for a 'scovie would have to be pretty roomy. Only my hens like a nest spot, the drake have stalls and they are quite content with that...

I wouldn't put a pool in the shelter, the water will be everywhere... You can get shade cloth for your run, place it where the pool is.. all our pools are out in the open set around the barn.. makes this easier for refilling.

Not a thing wrong with asking stuff! It's nice to be well planned.
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