I love them too.
But these darn broody Cochin hens are driving me crazy. They are sitting on empty nests and refuse to stay off of them. I've covered the next box fronts on all but one box. They will all shove themselves into that one box. It's like how many teenage girls can fit into a slugbug in Cochin terms.
They aren't laying because they are broody. So I don't have anything to put under them. I have two incubators full, but hate to put expensive Cream Legbar eggs under them because they are young hens (10 mos. old) and I'm not positive that they will stay on the eggs.
Any suggestions?
I agree that this would be a fine idea if I wanted the hens to remain broody. But with two incubators full already I need the eggs more than I need broody hens. And when they broody like they are now they are not giving me eggs. Poor girls.