Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Hey, Robschicks here. I to have some pullets, chickens, chicks, heck I don't know and I'm new to backyard chicken raising, lol. they're 17 weeks old and nothing yet. they free roam after 4/5 afternoon. I looked throughout the yard to see if they've laid any but nope, none yet
Hey, Robschicks here. I to have some pullets, chickens, chicks, heck I don't know and I'm new to backyard chicken raising, lol. they're 17 weeks old and nothing yet. they free roam after 4/5 afternoon. I looked throughout the yard to see if they've laid any but nope, none yet
Welcome robschicks!!

Glad you joined us! What breeds of birds do you have? Some are earlier to reach point of lay than others. It is like watchin paint hang in there friend! Where do they roost at night? This is usually where they will feel safe to lay. Make sure you have some nice nest boxes set up for them, and if you have anything that mimics an egg.. gold balls or some fake eggs, but them in the nest boxes to help the girls along to know where they should lay. Chickens generally lay in the morning to early after noon so chances are if you are letting them free range late afternoon, they would have all ready laid. It takes a while for them to get the hang of it, so be observant and listen for egg songs...squawking that sounds like this ....

Good luck, and keep us posted to how it goes. We love to hear about those first eggs,, and any there after!

Dear Melabella,
I have 6 chickens, 2 Ameraucanas (Ameraucanas have the big fluffy cheeks :D), 2 gold laced Wyandottes, a golden Sexlink (My golden Sexlink is the most friendly, runs up to you and snuggles!), and a Cuckoo Maran. In my knowledge it can take longer than 6 months for late chicken-layers. Even some of the famous chicken layers (talking about Rhode Island Red chickens, they can lay up to 2 eggs a day!) start late. I have a friend that had their chickens start laying in 8 months. My chickens are still babies, about 2 to 3 months , it goes fast! They actually might be more, I'm not sure. I got my chicks a few days old on March 10 i think somewhere around that. If you feed your chickens lots of treats and make them spoiled ( I did this and discovered them with really soft snuggly feathers) will be supper healthy. You can feed them mealworms, crickets, lettuce, tomatoes, frozen veggies, things like that. Just no citrus food (OF COURSE NO CANDY) Anyway, I'll wright soon on new events :Those are my chickens when they were babies :) SO CUTE!
Oh wow... I love all your pics Discodog. I really like this site that lets us see and talk to people who have such a wide verity of chickens. I have learned so much in the past 2 years and have so much more to learn. Your girls look amazing... I love the blue color but that pic ... The one Melabella likes.... love the expression.
I see I got behind in the posts... ;) sorry I have been a little busy. But I am on summer break now so I may have a little more time. I got to get some pics up;)
So wonderful to see more new people.... It feels like so long ago when we were all waiting on our first eggs.... ;)
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Thanks Cat and Mel, a friend of ours calls the girls Beauty and the Clown, I think it rather suits them :) And Moriahw those fluff balls <3
Cat you are one lucky girl, summer holidays already! And are those ameraucanas in your profile pic? They kind of look like our Faverolles hens...
MB : yep Disco is one big softie, its silly how people get scared of Dobermans, they are such kindhearted dogs (well at least the ones I've met)

Jackie still gives us the occasional egg song, but still no eggies yet. On the other hand Tuning's comb has popped out of her head.

I snapped the now traditional weekly "update on evolution" pics, the girl's faces look like a murder scene on account of them spending the afternoon under the cherry tree. :p

"Well hello there kind lady, do you perchance have any food to offer?"


"You heard my friend it's food or get out"


"Aha now we're talking business let us see"


"And taste..."



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Quick update, the girls are hitting their 25th week this weekend and...I got a couple of squats from Jackie today! :D I'm soooo excited!!!
Come on girl!
Quick update, the girls are hitting their 25th week this weekend and...I got a couple of squats from Jackie today!
I'm soooo excited!!!
Come on girl!

Disco.. what exciting times! LOVED those first squats.. but I didn't get too many because they were reserved for the evil roo I had at that time! You MUST post those pictures of that wonderful first delicious beautiful egg!

Good Luck!

What does POL mean and FF. I guess I just haven't seen those abbreviations before and I'm semi-new at this also.
Those pictures are so cute! I have to figure out how to put pictures on. It's so fun seeing all the pics.

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