Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

So my new girls were hatched the first week of December and it looks like their faces are already starting to redden. This is way sooner than my other chickens. They chicks are all sex links and the other chickens are silkie crosses. Do certain breeds mature quicker? I won't complain but I have heard around here that the sex links sometimes peter out after a couple years. Wonder if maturing early has something to do with it.
Thanks, it looks like feathers starting but then I can't look at them for very long without feeling queezy LOL I have always and the same with my daughter can't stand anything bumpy like something growing under the skin
She was born Oct 31st.
I can't see very clearly from the top of the picture, but maybe they are incoming pin feathers? Look at this picture of Duke from a while back. I thought something was wrong with his feathers, and posted this picture. Posted a picture of it here and someone told me they were pin feathers, which is the begining shafts of new adult feathers. They also said they are very painful and sensitive and to handle birds with care when they are coming in.. No wonder Duke hates me!

I can't see very clearly from the top of the picture, but maybe they are incoming pin feathers? Look at this picture of Duke from a while back. I thought something was wrong with his feathers, and posted this picture. Posted a picture of it here and someone told me they were pin feathers, which is the begining shafts of new adult feathers. They also said they are very painful and sensitive and to handle birds with care when they are coming in.. No wonder Duke hates me!

Ugh! Poor things! But that is gross :(
I agree debbie, it's like bamboo shoots! I guess that WOULD explain Duke.... how long ago was that pic MB?
I think it was around late October, which would have made Duke around 4 months old. They did look like shoots of a plant!

Once I learned what they were, I felt so bad, and also realized how much I had to learn!

In an unrelated subject, I have become weary awaiting the arrival of my first eggs, and have decided to help mother nature along. I have placed a 25w bulb in my chicken coop, and placed it on a timer to come on at 3 a.m. My husband and I have set the alarm clock and are going to be there when the light comes on. I am looking forward to it. I am expecting some VERY surprised chickens.
February egg count is only 40 eggs. Last year it was 68 eggs. But last year at this time all 5 were laying. I am not quite sure if all 5 SS hens are laying again. I know at least 3 are because I got 3 SS eggs today but no Wellie eggs. I really am looking forward to my first 7 egg day.

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