any strategies to fatten up layer roos

Hello, we have raised meat birds; but now I have some Orphington X Layer roos that are coming of age and we're looking to process them. Do you have any strategies for "fattening them up"? They look rather lean. We were considering confining the 3 of 'em to a smaller area (4x5 ft pen) and providing a broiler feed for 4 weeks. Do you think that would make a difference? Right now they are in with our flock free-ranging.
Thank you!
Update - Roos are getting sassy. They’re about 23 weeks old now. we’d like to keep them for another few weeks to let them continue to mature. They’re starting to be pretty disruptive in the group coop. We’re strategizing ways to segregate them. Is it OK to keep the five of them together in a 5x4 run?
Adding to last post, would we get better yield or meat in city confining them? And if so any guidance on sizing of confinement
Yes, restricted activity means less feed used for, well, activity, and typically greater fat content.

I can't recommend commercial confinement standards. The "seem" too small for me, regardless of their success commerically. But that's a wholly unscientific position I hold, one of pure opinion. FEEL FREE to disregard. I'm going to stick with the thumb rules as a minimum - 4 sq ft per bird (coop) plus 10 sq ft/bird (run), or at least 10 sq ft/bird if you have a combined coop/run like some of the the open air coops which are essentially an enclosed run with a covered side.

Of course, my birds get considerably more space - but I'm not rasing them as meaty chonks. Their intent is as a self sustaining flock of free range layers whose males are large enough to be worth butchering for table.

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