Any suggestions on how to solve our frostbite problem?

I would encourage you to always question information you have been given if it is unclear or seems wrong - there is a lot of misleading and incorrect information out there, and using your own judgement is an excellent idea.

When you supply extra heat in the coop the (relatively) higher temps allow more moisture to evaporate, increasing the humidity. When this warmer, moister air mixes with colder, drier air it leads to moisture precipitating out onto surfaces (including combs), then freezing - this also shows up as frost on the inside of the coop. Keeping the air temp above freezing would probably keep that from happening, but that would be very difficult, and likely expensive, to do in very cold weather, and would probably lead to air quality issues as the coop would have to be tightly closed. In addition, if you have a power outage or your heat source fails and your chickens are used to it, the resulting cold can be even harder on them to cope with.
Bedding can be a problem if it holds the moisture. Sand and large shavings with some PDZ works wonders. Think of it as a "cold desert". I remove my water at night because they don't drink while they sleep
You can also put vegetable oil on their combs and wattles,
and give them extra scratch grains to keep them warm.
We have had temps down as low as 15 below zero. When it got to about 10 degrees we put one of those red heat lamps on the chickens. Their coop is inside a barn so they are out of the wind. They have a heated waterer and are fed twice a day. They huddle under the heat lamp. With temps that cold I don't think you can avoid frostbite without giving them some additional heat. We have 18 birds.
I've been putting vaseline on the combs and waddles....I did break down and put heat lamps in each of my coops but with doing that I make sure there is a lot of ventilation to allow the moisture to escape.....Even with the heat lamps the temp's in the coops are staying around 15 degrees....So far so good....No frostbite and no frozen chickens.....

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